Friday, 26 August 2016


Wake up great KINGDOM and let go of the pains, Summon courage and take all your strength back, Have confidence in sunshine, have confidence in the rains, have confidence in confidence alone till sprinkles come again, oh! have confidence in yourself. Let go of your pains and wear new shoes; shoes leading to the path of your glory, shoes of a new beginning, shoes of comfort, shoes of secured future for the unborn generations, new shoes which bring nothing but the blessing of the one who sees the earth from beyond the heavens. Great KINGDOM, Redeem yourself and heal your land, Open new chapters and make this situations by gone. Dear KINGDOM your closest friends are strangers, hate that about yourself, this is making you vulnerable; let go of caterpillars and make butterflies your close friends. Learn to listen to the truth even the ugly ones , learn to bring out bravery in your stupidity, make yourself the happiest of your kind. Great KINGDOM the time is now; this time is like a golden watch No other time than the present, purge yourself of your dirty habit, board your flying eagle to a place of great destination. Know that Strength doesn't lie in numbers, strength doesn't lie in weight, strength lies in peaceful slumber when you wake up...

Ask for your own crown and that which you may win, oh! My KINGDOM build a paradise for yourself and assure you are truly free from your shackles. Burn thy will into the mind of thy seeds until they truly believe in your strength, teach them to love you even when it hurts, teach them to fight for you when their strength grow faint, teach them to love themselves, to have love in their hatred, to have friends in the mist of their enemies. There's no joy of death other than death for one's brown dirt. Give them reasons to have taste for greatness even in their sickness and dying breathe. It takes only a little yeast to make a whole dough rise, and drops of water make the ocean, believe in power of unity and listen to what the wind whispers to your ears. Let the rain of victory come one more time, let the taste of glory be felt once again... Make it available for your self, no matter how much your freedom cost. Be hard , be a steel, be a rock for this might stand you for the storm, and might guide you among sudden betrayers and tighten you for slack moments. Have lazy days seeking your motives, seek deep to where you were born natural.

Dear kingdom wisdom is calling on the street and knowledge is knocking on your door, to help you build your fallen walls. Nothing more can give joy to the enemies than your downfall. Give your enemies reasons to doubt your decisions, make them believe in your foolishness and keep your wisdom at the inner part of your appearance, take them by surprise at their sleeping moment and put an end to their threatening thunders... Make for yourself a golden armour, retrieve back your silver blade, put forward army of siege And make your home safe. The best way to love your land is to openly express your love for your seeds and give them reasons to have a lot of patience. Keep an open mind and Give ears to the words of WISDOM...


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