Friday, 26 August 2016


Wake up great KINGDOM and let go of the pains, Summon courage and take all your strength back, Have confidence in sunshine, have confidence in the rains, have confidence in confidence alone till sprinkles come again, oh! have confidence in yourself. Let go of your pains and wear new shoes; shoes leading to the path of your glory, shoes of a new beginning, shoes of comfort, shoes of secured future for the unborn generations, new shoes which bring nothing but the blessing of the one who sees the earth from beyond the heavens. Great KINGDOM, Redeem yourself and heal your land, Open new chapters and make this situations by gone. Dear KINGDOM your closest friends are strangers, hate that about yourself, this is making you vulnerable; let go of caterpillars and make butterflies your close friends. Learn to listen to the truth even the ugly ones , learn to bring out bravery in your stupidity, make yourself the happiest of your kind. Great KINGDOM the time is now; this time is like a golden watch No other time than the present, purge yourself of your dirty habit, board your flying eagle to a place of great destination. Know that Strength doesn't lie in numbers, strength doesn't lie in weight, strength lies in peaceful slumber when you wake up...

Ask for your own crown and that which you may win, oh! My KINGDOM build a paradise for yourself and assure you are truly free from your shackles. Burn thy will into the mind of thy seeds until they truly believe in your strength, teach them to love you even when it hurts, teach them to fight for you when their strength grow faint, teach them to love themselves, to have love in their hatred, to have friends in the mist of their enemies. There's no joy of death other than death for one's brown dirt. Give them reasons to have taste for greatness even in their sickness and dying breathe. It takes only a little yeast to make a whole dough rise, and drops of water make the ocean, believe in power of unity and listen to what the wind whispers to your ears. Let the rain of victory come one more time, let the taste of glory be felt once again... Make it available for your self, no matter how much your freedom cost. Be hard , be a steel, be a rock for this might stand you for the storm, and might guide you among sudden betrayers and tighten you for slack moments. Have lazy days seeking your motives, seek deep to where you were born natural.

Dear kingdom wisdom is calling on the street and knowledge is knocking on your door, to help you build your fallen walls. Nothing more can give joy to the enemies than your downfall. Give your enemies reasons to doubt your decisions, make them believe in your foolishness and keep your wisdom at the inner part of your appearance, take them by surprise at their sleeping moment and put an end to their threatening thunders... Make for yourself a golden armour, retrieve back your silver blade, put forward army of siege And make your home safe. The best way to love your land is to openly express your love for your seeds and give them reasons to have a lot of patience. Keep an open mind and Give ears to the words of WISDOM...


Friday, 19 August 2016


Hmmm my kingdom is it your back that is bent? Saying yes to the whip of incorrect leadership, corruption, and the spill of the innocent fluids pumped by the heart under the hot sun?
Great kingdom where's your pride, where's your crown and your glory, when is the time to make these conditions stories? Will u continue to live in this past glory and legend? The ship of your armour and your strength sinking into the ocean of deceits and lies
How could you addict to this sickness and diseases leading you to the 6ft valley of destructions, how long will you continue to wear this cap of shame and blemish bringing your crown into mod. Look back to your seeds facing the shame of your destruction, backing down on the war already won before it started, your glory work hand in hand with your doom. Wow!!! What a world of vanity accompanied with insanity. What is the way out of this slavery when your Moses dines and wines with the Egyptians, who will take you to the promise land when Aaron is in round table with Pharaoh?
The term of the good times is back and better, but could this be real? All are mirage; the closer we get the faster it fade away. Once a place of peace and harmony, place of refuge and shade, a place where it seeds know nothing but wearing cheeks filled with inner peace. The waters in the ocean of your happiness turned into red stained liquid of the arteries, your white clothed silk turned dark like cloud, your crown fell into the furnace beneath, and all you rule now is pile of ashes... Your blue sky is fading grey, your passion is gone away, your inner peace is a pile of fairy tale, and you chose the path of bad news to be told at the entrance of your gate. What a shame!!! Now you are all alone Like a rock fallen at the barren hillside. Dear kingdom, you gave in to defeat, your enemies pushed you off the cliff, piercing hole through your heart with arrow of death leaving you to die in cold blood in the burning winter. Dear kingdom you were like a moving train; picking up speed everyday and like a rising stone that get stronger with every hour but all that are lost to the past.
Are you living for the Glory or for the story?? You lie to yourself and blind to the moon's phase. You let go and fight not for that which has been so savagely ripped through your breast. Days fall into weeks, Weeks fall into months, seasons stream past like runaway trains, stamping days on calendars, etching wrinkles on skin, planting age spots everywhere, your slumber continues in a lost edge of time, your land became home for disasters, that bring heat of a flowing fire like a volcano, which consumes your fortune and your resources become worthless. You are too absent-spirited to count; the loneliness includes you unaware. You are suffering from these conditions, and can see yourself in a lost dark space with no way out, perhaps feeling cold in a lonely place without road map with any sense of direction. The echoing sound of death is the only voice that whisper into your auditory Canal and your eyes see no vision for a better morrow...

Friday, 12 August 2016


Little did I know, that I was brought into a place,Where things do not look the way they seem. Having good conversations with next door neighbour at dusk which turned into conflict at dawn.
Once a great KINGDOM metamorphosised into an ISOLATED KINGDOM, A kingdom where the lame lead the one legged, the deaf interpret for the dumb. The sources of the milk and honey are being blocked in a deceived thought of getting another. The blind leading those with sights, having binge of a deceived thought, illness from the inner mind, and dreams in reality. Box of order fell off from the hands of the seekers of truth, losing control over the affairs of individuals and matters occupying the edges of life.

The righteous are made to believe in fantasies and let go of the truth to make the wrong look right. The citizens refuse to lay their heads in fear of it being separated from their bodies. Not words can explain the blood stains on the walls of the street, doomed is how they fell to the ground with their kneels. Pleasant appearance of nature and habitat turned out to be nightmare filled with scary look of walking dead. The living ones look into the night wondering what it takes to feel alive, asking themselves how to cross to a new dawn, passing the hours of darkest dream. For a chance the kingdom may not stand, for secret lies behind her doors and crawl through the crack beneath the Floor.

Anfara! (it has started) was what I heard at cockcrow, heavy footsteps and silent cry of those running to safe their heads, In a haste of safe harbour, they lost their limbs to ammunitions and fierce faces accommodating crimson eye balls under the influence of spirit entrapped in an air tight container. Escape is none and death is nigh they lay in wait at midnight clock, Who is out there to save the children who the parents left behind for the after life. Shattered are the dreams of those that have hope of better tomorrow, harder is the cry of hollow hearted... The kingdom became the ghost of it self; itself of no flesh of humans, being fed on the street by hungry dogs, itself of no flying arrows that claim the lives of thousands.... WE WANT PEACE IS THE CRY OF THE INNOCENTS, WE WANT NOTHING BUT PEACE... 


Friday, 5 August 2016


    Two and half decades ago, little ponds of haemoglobin all over replaced my fresh breathe, it was hard to breathe but I had to survive. Loud was the cry, rain dropped from my immature gland in the light sensitive organ, my skin was so much filled with melanin (100% black me) a gift from the creator. Hours later, my cheeks greeted an innuendo of smiles but I wish it was a smile of a gorgeous fate... Half a decade after the morning of my arrival to the shape of oranges, what a KINGDOM flowing with milk and honey, things moved on in the rain and sundry. A GREAT KINGDOM having the heart of accommodation to foreigners and close homo sapiens giving development and discovery of more sources of milk and reaping the honey out of the box of it bees.
A KINGDOM of whom my grandmother sings, from the bank of distance rivers, having the legend of great strength, oneness, care for several others, home for the homeless and food for the hungry, KINGDOM wearing the face of joy and laughter. A place enriched with good soil and weather for plants to bring forth it fruit in it season and live stocks reproduced after it kinds in due time. Trees gave their shades, flowers released it scent to suit the environment for the class of insecta to transfer pollen from the anther to the stigma, the land was green and beautiful. There was so much to live for, the nature surrounding the habitat was pleasing to the optic organs. The past did not dwell in the present and the future was a vision for hope. Birds tuned their little heart to sweetly sing all day. A Great KINGDOM where thought and feelings dwell, keeping a sunny soul to shine along ways of life. Great kingdom, where no one dared to make it past our Gate, golden crown, golden throne, silver sword, undefeated and strong wall, we got it all. A kingdom with no sorrow, no hate nor strife, a place I wanted, filled with life, where wishes came true; the simplest, the smallest and the impossible too. Wow what a GREAT KINGDOM I was brought into.
But, Little did I know, that I was brought into a place where things do not look the way they seem...